
Saturday, July 25, 2015

Dying Regret - 2

"I wish had not worked so hard"

Please read the words carefully to pick up the true dying regret stated. The regret is not about 'Missing to work hard' but 'Having worked hard missing other aspect of life'.

Right from childhood we have been programmed to "Work hard" to get good marks, admission in good college, good degree, good job, work hard to get promotion and kill yourself to earn money.
In fact the small circle 'Me & my family' was ascribed by parents & society and 'Work hard' is the formula of life passed on to us for generations. Accepting these as the program we run our life missing moment by moment thinking one day I will be happy after amassing wealth.
IThe only thought fully occupied their mind is 'Earning money' for which they have to work hard. In Bombay the day starts at 3 am and ends at 3 am! We think that we are in this planet only to 'Work Hard' which is the cause and money is the effect.
Many Indians leave their family here and 'Work hard' elsewhere for that 'Tomorrow' when they have sufficient money to live happily. That 'Tomorrow' never arrives as such a one never exist. They missed the sweet toddlers, seeing them in the LKG class, holding their tender hands and answered their difficult questions like why earth is rotating?They never held their young wife's hand tightly and walked in the forest silently expressing their love.
One fine day, the nature announces the end of life around the corner which is the 'moment of truth' which demystifies the "Working Hard syndrome". As the old adage says "We chase wealth at the cost of health and loose wealth to regain it"
Working hard missing the very purpose of it is the folly human beings are trapped with. Please read the book "Last lecture" by Randy Paush or listen to this video in YouTube to get a perspective of why this dying regret has a meaning and what course correction we need to do to avoid it. 

With whole of my heart

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