
Monday, June 29, 2015

JK's Wisdom on 'Wish' & 'Actual'

J.Krishnamurty (JK) is one of those "Gynayogi' of modern times who can be understood only by intellectuals ie those who are willing to squeeze their brain to discover wisdom. One of his pearls of wisdom is difference between "Wish & Actual". It took some time for me to appreciate what is JK trying to say through the difference of 'wish' and 'actual'. 'Wish' is the pleasure seeking instinct of common man which are ephemeral in nature. In fact wish is nothing but the 'Desire' that causes misery as Lord Buddha said. For a common man if you remove 'Desire' from him nothing will be left! 

Reflecting little more in the spiritual entities, 'Wish' is always the game of the 'Ego' the least understood word (we discussed it in my post on 'Ahankara'). Ego is nothing but our thinking  of 'I' meaning 'We are this body, mind & intellect' equipments. This feeling of 'I' creates endless desires which JK calls as 'Wish'. We always say 'I want to possess this & that'. The feeling of 'I' separates us from the 'Brahman' the divine that is residing in us as 'soul'. In fact we are that Brahman and not the limited 'I' which is the delusion Lord Krishna talked about Arjuna in Gita.

The Brahmasutra "Aham Brahmashmi' means 'I am that Brahman'. Merely chanting this does not make you to realize that. Meditating upon Brahman helps you to realize you are 'God in human form'. This is what called 'God realization'. God is not anywhere else in heaven, he is right there in your bosom and only you have to turn inwards to realize him.

What JK is saying 'as long as wish - desire (Ego) is there you can't realize the 'Actual' which is Brahman'. This means your Ego has to be banished to join with almighty. 'Heh Mudatma you are not this limited ego self but all pervading divine 'Self'. Relinquish your 'wishes' and do your karma without any attachment then you will merge with the divine essence and escape from this births & deaths. 
Jai Gurudev 
Love NC

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